Have you ever found yourself in front of a creative wall, left with no ideas and didn’t know how to move on? No worries, it’s time for reflection and the meta-reflection that follows.
Today I would like to share with you the idea of three key conditions of the creative process. These three situations are: constant observation, time of thinking and the act. They don't follow each other in a linear sequence, because they are more like a dance with the surroundings, they are processes of a simultaneous matrix that connects the creative process into an integrated whole. Meanwhile, society and a social of organizations plays a key role, because they can enable (co-create) or hinder the process. The organization, if it want creative people, must thus establish the following three places or. three partial infrastructure: - Places that facilitate sensing in sense-making (perception and thinking) - Places of silence, incubation and deep reflection (being) - Places for hands-on prototyping (doing and creation) If we do not go to one of these places, we already run the risk that the creative process will be more difficult. For me, these three places are: studio as a space of doing, galleries and cinemas as a space of new perceptions and nature as a space of rest and incubation. So in order to deepen our contact with creativity, which is also learning, we have to go elsewhere. From the very beginning, this site was designed as a space for all three places. Let me share with you some interesting works. Penelope Nederlander, NAB 2020 - Closing Title Sequence of Birds of Prey (2020): https://youtu.be/YC59DMU8KcQ HOME (Ben Craig): https://vimeo.com/414851567 Gangs of London - Full Season VFX Breakdown: https://vimeo.com/417331586 Vienna is like… (Fernando Livschitz): https://vimeo.com/417000220 Erodium Thunk (Winston Hacking): https://vimeo.com/275407702
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December 2021