It's been a long time since I had time for record new cinema 4D tutorial. I hope that I'll soon get back in shape recording them again :). In this one I'll walk you through the procedure of creating ice (frost) material, which is not procedural. Check out this page for the tutorial and project file, which you can download along with the texture of frost.
The first blog post was published in 2009, when I uploaded my first Cinema 4D tutorial. Blog was at first designed for Slovenian readers, but a lot of visits from abroad convinced me that the site became fully English. It was renamed and got new domain in early 2011 -
In the first year anniversary, I made sub-page for free 3D models downloads. Today you can download our first 360° HDR panorama! Download new 3D model - cutting board, also includes texture of wood with a proper UV mapping.
Nova C4D datoteka, vključuje avtomobilček in material lesa s teksturo lesa in "normal map". ![]()
Malce sem prenovil in posodobil stran za produkte in 3d modele. Zdaj je bolj pregledna in slike so strnjena tako, da ostane več prostora za nove datoteke. Med tem procesom sem odstranil kar nekaj starih modelov. Zato pa si lahko danes preneseš nov 3d model lestenca. Poleg c4d formata je navoljo še obj. To pa lahko med drugim uporabite tudi v After Effectsu z neverjetnim pluginom Element 3D. Podrobnosti o integracije Elementa 3D in Cinema 4D pa si boste lahko pogledali na predstavitvah na letošnjem Siggraphu. Tam bo tudi veliko govora o novi Cinema 4D r14. Nove možnosti obdelovanja/kiparjenja so res izjemne.
Lestenec si lahko preneseš tukaj. Prenosi Siggraph predstavitev pa bo prek |
December 2021